Everything about Dental X-Ray
What is Dental X-Ray? Dental radiographs or Dental X-rays are used to diagnose the oral health of children, adolescents, adults and those persons who need special health care. This radiographs (black-and-white) shows the irregularities in teeth positioning, also determines problems with the soft tissues surrounding your teeth, mouth, and jaws. They are used to determine […]
Severe Gum Diseases
Severe Gum Diseases Gum diseases are often visible as inflamed or infected gums. Gingivitis (the inflammation of the gums) and Periodontitis (inflammation of the bone and tissues of the teeth) are the common types of gum disease. Bacteria are often the cause, which often forms into plaques and tartar when one doesn’t practice good oral […]
Does Natural Teeth Whitening Really Work?
Does Natural Teeth Whitening Really Work? Can you confidently smile and be camera-ready all the time? Or do you do your best to hold your grin and keep it to yourself instead? Either way, the teeth are the first to be noticed when you smile – how they look and how white they are. Well, […]
Best Food for a Better Oral Hygiene
Best Food for a Better Oral Hygiene The mouth is one of the parts of the body which more often than not taken for granted. This is probably the worst decision one could make because this is one part of the body from which different bacteria may grow and may emerge from. Oral hygiene should […]
Kid First Dental Appointment
Are you planning to book a dentist appointment for your toddler for the first time? If yes, have you searched the dentist who fits your requirements? Simple tasks like making an appointment to visit the dentist are actually daunting. There are many things that should be taken into consideration because kids could be very picky, […]
Fixing Bad Breath
Fixing Bad Breath Good oral health is a state of being free from the mouth, facial, oral and throat pain. To enjoy a healthy oral state, extra care must be done to prevent oral diseases such as oral infection and sores, periodontal (gum) disease, tooth decay, tooth loss, and even bad breath. These disorders limit […]
Cost Keeps Many Americans from Good Dental Care
Most Americans today tend to minimize their expenses on having dental cares and check-ups. Even if there are insurances out there and government help, it still can’t change the fact that Americans can’t afford to go to the dentist anymore. Reasons Insurance- Research shows that almost half of the American people don’t have dental insurances. […]
Dental Plaque Linked To Cancer Risk
Dental Plaque Linked To Cancer Risk Many people would think that dental health is isolated only in the mouth and this does not have any risk for other parts of the body. But it was found out that dental plaque was linked to possible risk of cancer. In order to get rid of this plaque […]
Different Type of Toothbrush Bristles
The most sophisticated type of toothbrush bristle in 1498 was invented in China. It was made of stiff hairs from a boar’s neck attached to a bone or bamboo that served as a handle. Boar bristles were used until 1938 because during that time nylon was already invented by Du Pont. More than ten years […]
Dental Filling Options for Cavities
“Cavity” literally means space. Therefore tooth cavity is a hole drilled into your teeth by the mouth-dwelling bacteria you have that throve very well because of your binging on sweets and inadequate oral hygiene practice afterward. The painful result is called tooth decay which causes discomfort to the patient. That’s why it highly encourages to […]