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Oral Hygiene and Your Overall Health

Deep Cleaning vs Regular Cleaning

Everyone knows that brushing, flossing and regular trips to the hygienist are good for your smile. Did you know that they are also good for your health? Studies should that good oral hygiene promotes good health, and poor oral hygiene contributes to poor health. We brush, floss and rinse to remove tiny leftover food particles. […]

7 Steps to a Better Smile

Dentist Minnesota

Your smile is one of your most valuable assets.  It spreads warmth and cheer, creates a favorable first impression, and allows you to express yourself in ways that words cannot.  If you are fortunate to have a winning smile, use these steps to keep it healthy.  If your smile could use some improvement, try these […]

To Mouthwash or Not to Mouthwash?

The history of mouthwash goes back centuries. People have used mouth rinses made with a variety of unique ingredients, such as dill dissolved in white wine. In the 19th century, Listerine was developed, but it was originally designed to be used as a surgical antiseptic. The modern ones contain ingredients ranging from alcohol to sweeteners. […]

Why Do We Have Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth are also referred to as third molars, and usually cause problems.   All toothed mammals have third molars.  In modern humans, third molars cause pain, disrupt orthodontic correction, and have no purpose.  This has not always been the case, though.  To understand why we have wisdom teeth, you first need to understand the evolution […]

The Four Types of Teeth

You have probably noticed that you have different types of teeth.  Have you ever wondered why?  It’s because we need all four types of teeth to eat efficiently.  Reptiles such as fish and snakes have teeth that are all the same.  A mouth full of sharp, pointy teeth works well if you need to disable […]

Dentist Solutions for Teeth Sensitivity

According to the Academy of General Dentistry, roughly 45 million Americans experience tooth sensitivity.  Individuals with teeth sensitivity usually experience a sharp pain when their teeth are exposed to hot, cold, or sugary substances.  The majority of causes are food or drinks, however, some individuals experience pain by simply being in the cold weather.  Some […]

How Often Should You Replace Your Toothbrush?

When you reach for your toothbrush each morning, you may give much thought to how clean the toothbrush is. After all, you wet it each time you use, so how “unclean” can it be? The fact is, each time you put your toothbrush in your mouth, it becomes contaminated with oral microbial organisms. The bacteria […]

A Guide to Nighttime Oral Care

Common Problems and Maintenance of Dental Implants | Brooklyn Dental

Keeping your smile bright with healthy teeth and gums, is not just a task for the daytime, your mouth needs proper dental care at night too. There is a lot going on in your mouth while you are sleeping, especially bacteria gathering on your teeth. While you are sleeping, you only produce a small amount […]

Tobacco Use and Your Oral Health

You probably already know about the detrimental effects of smoking on your body.  You may even be familiar with the effects of second- and third-hand smoke on non-smokers.  A lot of attention has been given to the consequences of smoking.  Lung cancer, heart disease, and low birth-weight babies are the most well-known and troublesome.  Many […]

Toothbrush Tips to Keep Teeth in Shape

Your toothbrush is the most valuable tool you own to keep your smile healthy and your mouth happy.  As with any tool, proper use and maintenance are essential for the best results. There are many types of toothbrushes available to fit your budget and your lifestyle. With a few exceptions, these tips apply to all […]