The Most Common Lockjaw Symptoms

What is a Lockjaw? Lockjaw, or Tetanus, is a grave bacterial disease affecting the muscles and nerves in the jaw and neck to the point where it stiffens and then spreads to the lower body parts, eventually taking over the whole body. In some cases, it can prove fatal as well. Bacteria called Clostridium Tetani […]

The Best Home Remedies for Toothache

There are dozens of causes of a toothache. From cavities to injuries, regardless of the cause, you can experience debilitating pain in the teeth and jaw. Going to the dentist is an option but what if you cannot get an appointment for the next 24 hours? This is where you can try home remedies. Let’s […]

Does Your Toothbrush Matter? How to Choose the Right One

With the wide variety of options available on the market, choosing a toothbrush which suits your need is becoming more difficult. If you watch the ads for the leading toothbrushes on the market, you might feel any of them can get the job done. And then there are those people who believe they need a […]

5 Benefits of Flossing Daily

You probably know that brushing your teeth twice a day is important for optimal dental hygiene. What most people don’t know is that flossing daily is equally beneficial. In fact, ask your dentist and he/she will recommend it. Of course, it can be a pain to floss daily, what with the risk of bleeding gums […]

How to Brush Properly

toothbrush and flossing

Do you know how to brush your teeth properly? Most people have been brushing their teeth since they were two or three years old, but it is possible that they don’t exactly know how they should go about it. Applying toothpaste on the brush and then applying it over the teeth does not get the […]

How to Avoid Bad Breath

Bad breath can be a symptom of an underlying dental condition. But, this isn’t always the case. Sometimes, it is in your hands to avoid bad breath. Here are some ways you can go about it: Brush and Floss Regularly It goes without a saying that it is important that you brush your teeth at […]

Easing Tooth Sensitivity When the Weather Gets Cold

It is possible that you have had to deal with tooth sensitivity at some point in your life. Usually, the risk of your teeth being sensitive to hot or cold is during the winter season. Because the temperature outside is low, your teeth react to it accordingly. This can make it difficult for you to […]

How to Inculcate Healthy Dental Habits in Your Kids

Dentistry for Children Brooklyn Blvd. Dental

As a parent, you would want your kids to be healthy and well-groomed when they grow up. This is why it is important to teach them the right habits from an early age. While exercising, going to bed on time, and eating healthy is important, you also need to pay attention to their dental health. […]

5 Tips to keep Healthy teeth during the holidays

Tips for Healthy teeth during holidays- Dentist | Brooklyn Blvd Dental

1. Don’t crack nuts with your teeth. Although protein found in nuts helps keep muscles and bones strong, you shouldn’t test the strength of your teeth by shelling nuts with them. The hard surface of most nuts can cause serious tooth and gum damage, and may even crack teeth. The safest option? Shell nuts before […]

A Child’s First Visit for Pediatric Dentistry

When to take your child for Pediatric Dentistry The best time to take your child to his first pediatric dentistry is six months after his/her very first or primary teeth erupt. This period is an ideal chance for the dentist to do a careful examination of how the child’s mouth is developing. Since dental care […]