Kid First Dental Appointment

Routine Cleanings Brooklyn

Are you planning to book a dentist appointment for your toddler for the first time? If yes, have you searched the dentist who fits your requirements? Simple tasks like making an appointment to visit the dentist are actually daunting. There are many things that should be taken into consideration because kids could be very picky, moody and unruly.

What should you do for your Kid’s First Dental Appointment?

First, you should be able to find a dentist who can be friendly enough to your child’s liking and secondly, professional enough for your liking. Finding the right dentist who is compatible with your qualifications seems like an answered prayer but you should not be too confident yet to leave your child in his or her hands straightaway. Before letting your child sit on that dental chair, you should first talk to the doctor and discuss other medical conditions that he or she ought to know. This is very important and not to be disregarded because there might be a significant effect on the child, health-wise, when the dental procedure is done.

Dentists on Deep Cleaning vs Regular Cleaning at Brooklyn Blvd. Dental


Your role as a facilitator

Now, if everything with the doctor is fine, the next person you need to talk to is none other than your child. Briefing your child of what will happen inside the clinic is just as important as the talk you had with the doctor or maybe so much more. A horrible first trip to the dentist could forever alter your child’s feelings when hearing the word ‘dentist’. If it is traumatic, obviously, you will never be able to convince your child to go back to the dentist ever again. That is why as a parent, it is crucial that you explain to your child what and why there are tools that look so intimidating and why you brought him or her to the dentist in the first place. Giving them the assurance that everything will be okay will boost your child’s courage to go in and obey the doctor’s commands.

What happens during the dental visit?

One thing to feel good about is that the first visit to the dentist is usually short and is allotted to establish a relationship between your child and dentist. From there, things can either go smooth or bad. But being the professionals that they are, dentists are trained to not only to yank out teeth painlessly but also to have social skills to go with their medical skills.

Methods of Encouragement

Another effective strategy to persuade your child to go to the dentist for the first time (or go back for another session), is the prize system. There is nothing like a sweet reward to up the motivation of your child to endure a frightening trip to the dentist every time. Usually, it is the dentist who gives the sweet treat after the session but another one from you will definitely put a smile on your child’s face. But do not let them indulge too much because allowing them to binge on sugar-rich food defeats the purpose of going to the dentist, right?

Contact us today to set up an appointment.

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We provide friendly and high-quality dental care for your whole family. From regular check-ups to advanced treatments, our experienced team is here to give you personalized dental care.