Is It Worth Getting a Tooth Crown?

Dental Crowns

Yes, a tooth crown is worth the cost, depending on why you require it. When you have severely damaged or worn-out teeth, they can be strengthened using tooth crowns. Before going to the cosmetic dentistry services near you, here is everything you need to know about tooth crowns.

Dental crowns

What are Tooth Crowns?

Tooth crowns are tooth caps that encase the entire tooth to change the teeth’s color, size, shape, or appearance. These crowns are cemented using a cement block and laser light.

The tooth crowns are available in numerous materials, including:

    1. Stainless steel crowns- These tooth crowns are a temporary solution, prefabricated in the dental office, and you usually use them while you wait for the permanent teeth to arrive. Stainless steel crowns don’t need a long process and need just one dental visit. This is why dentists recommend these crowns for children at risk of cavities.
    2. Porcelain crowns-Porcelain crowns are tooth-colored crowns that provide a seamless look. These crowns are highly durable and can last for more than 15 years with good care.
    3. Metal crowns-Metal crowns are usually available in gold or silver. These crowns are not just strong and durable but can also withstand biting pressure, and that’s the reason they are mostly fixed on the back teeth.
    4. Resin crowns-Resin crowns are somewhat stain-resistant and also give a natural look. However, these crowns are not as durable as the rest of the tooth crowns, so they are ideal for the front line teeth.

What Problems Can a Tooth Crown Fix?

Tooth crowns can fix several dental imperfections like:

  • The tooth crowns help protect the teeth that are damaged from decay, and they keep the weak teeth from breaking or cracking.
  • The crown’s cover is misshaped.
  • They even cover dental implants.
  • Tooth crowns restore broken teeth or severely worn down teeth.
  • Give support to teeth with large fillings.
  • They can properly hold a dental bridge in place.

How Does the Tooth Crown Procedure Work?

The tooth crown procedure typically needs two appointments. During your first visit, x-rays of your mouth are taken to get a clear picture of the tooth and the surrounding bone. If there are any infections or tooth decay, you may require a root canal.

Next, the dentist will reduce the size of the damaged tooth, and once that is done, an impression to create a precise mold of your mouth is taken to make the crown. When your crown is ready, it is placed over what remains of your tooth.

Dental Crown teeth bar

Possible Complications of Having a Tooth Crown

There are many issues that you may experience with your tooth crown, such as:

Crown falls off

A tooth crown can fall off, generally due to an improper fit or lack of cement. If this happens, reach out to your dentist immediately. Your dentist can give you specific instructions on caring for your tooth and crown until you can come in for an appointment. The dentist can also re-cement your tooth crown in place. A new crown will be needed if the same crown doesn’t fit back in place.

Allergic reaction

Sometimes, the metals used to make tooth crowns are a mixture of numerous medals. This can cause an allergic reaction to the metal or porcelain used in the tooth crown. However, such allergic reactions are extremely rare.

A dark line next to the gum line on a crowned tooth

If you notice a dark line next to your crowned tooth, remember it’s normal, particularly if you have a porcelain-fused-to-metal crown. When the metal of the crown shows through, this dark line happens.

Discomfort or sensitivity

Anesthesia begins to wear off in a newly crowned tooth, making it sensitive immediately after the procedure. You may experience heat or cold sensitivity if the crowned tooth still has a nerve. That is why it’s important that you brush your teeth with toothpaste designed especially for sensitive teeth. Pain, discomfort, or sensitivity when you bite down usually means that the tooth crown is extremely high on the tooth. In this case, call your dentist as he can easily fix this problem.

Chipped crown

All-porcelain tooth crowns can sometimes chip. But small chips can be repaired, and the tooth crown can remain in your mouth. However, the crown may need replacement if the chip is large or when there are numerous chips.

Loose crown

Sometimes, when the crown’s cement washes out from under the crown, it allows the crown to become loose. A loose crown further will enable bacteria to leak in and cause decay to the tooth that remains. If your crown feels loose, contact your dentist fast.

These complications of having a tooth crown can be avoided if you see dentistry with experienced and highly skilled dentists who can complete the procedure of implants perfectly, like Brooklyn Blvd Dental.

How Much Do Tooth Crowns Cost?

Costs of tooth crowns vary depending on the type of crowns you select. Usually, tooth crowns can range from $800 to $1700 or more per crown. The cost of a portion of a crown is generally covered by insurance.

For the Best Tooth Crowns in Brooklyn Park, MN, Contact Brooklyn Blvd Dental Today!

If you feel discomfort, are unhappy with a damaged or discolored tooth, or have an old or broken restoration, a tooth crown is perfect for restoring your tooth and regaining your beautiful smile. A consultation with an expert dentist can help you decide on the correct treatment option.

If you live in the Brooklyn Park area, MN, and are searching for the best cosmetic dentistry, contact Brooklyn Blvd Dental at (763) 533-8669 to schedule an appointment today!

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