When it comes to replacing missing teeth, dental implants take the lead. They can seamlessly fill the gap of a single tooth or provide unwavering support for bridges and dentures. But “Do dental implants last forever?” is a question that goes through everyone’s mind.

The response hinges on a variety of factors. Our skilled dentists at Brooklyn BLVD Dental are at your service to demystify dental implants and outline post-treatment expectations. Absorb the following insights and then arrange an appointment for dental implants in Brooklyn Center, MN.

How long do dental implants last stands as a pivotal factor to weigh, as it places the overall expense in context and empowers you to gauge the correctness of your decision. Encouragingly, there’s a silver lining: no other dental restoration surpasses implants in terms of lasting power.

Anatomy of Dental Implants

Anatomy of Dental Implants

To unravel the question “Do dental implants last forever?” we must first break down the essential triad of components that constitute a dental implant:


Fabricated from titanium, the implant is strategically positioned within a patient’s jawbone through surgical means, serving as the foundational support for the crown.


This attachment is connected to the implant, holding the crown in its rightful place.


Crafted from ceramic, the crown resembles a natural tooth and is securely affixed to the abutment.

In the larger scheme, it’s crucial to recognize that the exposed abutment and crown are comparatively more vulnerable to potential damage when compared to the implant itself.

Do Dental Implants Last Forever?

Do Dental Implants Last Forever

The answer to “Do dental implants last forever?” depends on when you get them. Although the implant screw can endure a lifetime through consistent brushing and flossing, it is contingent upon the patient’s adherence to regular dental check-ups every six months.

On the other hand, the crown typically maintains its integrity for approximately 10 to 15 years before the possibility of replacement arises due to gradual wear and tear. Nonetheless, the crown’s lifespan can be extended by meticulous dental care and cautious usage, possibly surpassing the 15-year mark.

The implant’s location within the mouth is also pivotal to its longevity. Implants at the back of the mouth are more active in chewing, thus rendering them more prone to accelerated wear than their counterparts near the front.

How to Make Dental Implants Last Forever?

Maintaining a dental implant’s longevity requires some fundamental upkeep on your end. Here’s what you should consider:

Prioritize Dental Hygiene

Uphold excellent dental hygiene practices. Brush your teeth twice daily and floss once a day. It’s recommended for everyone, not exclusively for those with dental implants. However, meticulous oral care is vital for sustaining your dental implant. While the implant itself is impervious to decay, safeguarding your other teeth and the health of your gums, which provide direct support, is crucial.

Regular Dental Visits

Visiting the dentist every six months is crucial to the enduring success of your implant. Consistent dental appointments contribute to the implant’s stability. Maintaining clean teeth and healthy gums fortifies the implant’s solid placement. These routine check-ups also enable the identification of potential issues that could jeopardize the implant’s integrity, such as gum disease.

Kick the Habit

Steering clear of smoking is paramount for your dental implant’s well-being. Smoking significantly undermines your implant’s health. It hampers blood flow in gum vessels, affecting both the healing process and osseointegration, potentially hindering the implant’s firm anchoring.

Embrace a Healthy Lifestyle

Nurturing your overall health plays a pivotal role in your dental well-being. Optimal bone health is essential, as weakening bones could compromise your jaw’s ability to support the implant and surrounding teeth effectively. With the green light from your doctor, consider including vitamins and supplements in your routine, especially calcium and potassium, to bolster bone health.

Dental Implants vs. Other Tooth Replacement Options

Dental Implants vs. Other Tooth Replacement Options

Dental implants stand as a lasting remedy for missing teeth and have become the favored choice among patients and dentists. Completely taking the place of a natural tooth, a dental implant offers the ability to bite and chew without the concern of slipping, a common issue with dentures.

Unlike dentures, implants are firmly positioned, seamlessly integrating into your dental routine — brushing twice daily and flossing. As they are affixed to the interior jawbone, implants avoid placing strain on adjacent teeth, a contrast to the pressure dental bridges might exert, and require no specialized cleaning techniques.

What are Mini Dental Implants?

Mini dental implants represent a contemporary variation of dental implants, featuring a single-piece screw slightly less than 3 millimeters (mm) in diameter — a tad over 1/10 of an inch. In contrast, traditional dental implant screws consist of two parts with a diameter ranging from 3.25 to 5 mm (approximately 0.12 to 0.2 inches).

These mini dental implants present a viable choice for individuals who may not be suitable candidates for conventional dental implants. However, it’s important to note that they may not be a practical solution for all cases of tooth loss.

Dental Implants in Brooklyn Park, MN

If the idea of dental implants has piqued your interest, seeking out the finest implant dentist in your vicinity is essential. To consult regarding dental implants or any other dental concerns in Brooklyn Park, MN, contact Brooklyn BLVD Dental at (763) 533-8669 or frontdesk1@brooklynblvddental.com.


  • How many times can a dental implant be replaced?

The posts will serve as a foundation for an abutment and crown, effectively taking the place of your lost or damaged teeth. Although this arrangement isn’t classified as permanent, diligently maintained implants can endure for approximately 25 years, a notable contrast to the average lifespan of bridges and dentures, which is around 10 years.

  • Do dental implants get cavities?

Dental implants themselves don’t develop cavities since they’re made from materials that resist decay, like titanium. However, proper oral hygiene is vital to prevent gum issues around the implant site, which could affect its stability. Regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups remain crucial for maintaining overall oral health and supporting the longevity of dental implants.

  • Are implants better than crowns?

Dental implants commonly provide exceptional longevity, potentially lasting indefinitely. They present a superior option compared to dental crowns or fillings, though their cost is relatively higher due to the surgical procedure involved. Moreover, implants entail an extended recovery period, primarily due to the surgical nature of the process.