Dealing with Chronic Bad Breath

Having occasional not-so-fresh breath and having chronically bad breath are two different things, and the latter is known as halitosis. Unfortunately, breath mints and loads of mouthwash cannot easily resolve chronic bad breath. However, the condition is not impossible to get rid of.

To begin with, halitosis may be the outcome of a number of factors, some of which include leftover food particles in the mouth, dry mouth, dental problems, such as tooth decay, cavities or gingivitis, or other medical issues that especially affect the nasal passage, sinuses and throat, and can be a sign of kidney and liver disease.

Coping with Chronic Bad Breath: 

Since we are not talking about occasional bad breath here, we will not be looking at short-term solutions, such as a mouth rinse or chewing gum. For getting rid of halitosis, you need to take the following remedial steps:

  • Practice a proper dental care routine. This involves brushing your teeth for a good 2 minutes, flossing, tongue scraping, and using mouthwash to completely wipe out any bacteria. Remember to replace your toothbrush every three months.
  • Avoid foods that cause bad breath. This category of foods primarily includes garlic and onions. The bad smelling substances in these foods travel to your bloodstream and into your lungs, from where you breathe them out, a conclusion made by the DMD of the American Dental Association.
  • Get frequent dental checkups and cleanings to get rid of any dental problem that may be causing foul breath.
  • Chew on fennel seeds, cloves, or aniseeds as they have antiseptic qualities and help fight bad breath.
  • Snack on detergent foods, such as apples and celery, since they boost saliva production and keep the bacterial build-up in check.

Following the above-mentioned steps on a daily basis will greatly help fight halitosis in no time.

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