Can wisdom teeth cause ear pain? 

It’s a question that might not have crossed your mind when you have found yourself wincing in discomfort, wondering if there’s a mysterious connection between those pesky molars in the back of your mouth and the aches echoing in your ears.

Wisdom teeth (third molars) are the final teeth to show up. Most of the time, these four teeth pop through your gums when you’re between 17 and 21 years old, but for some folks, they might appear earlier or later.

In the past, people had bigger jaws that could fit these third molars just fine. Nowadays, our jaws are smaller, and how we eat has changed, so these last four teeth aren’t as necessary as they used to be. Wisdom teeth can cause multiple problems in your mouth.

Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom Teeth

As mentioned earlier, wisdom teeth are the last teeth to arrive in your mouth. Sometimes, they can’t come in properly because there’s not enough space. When a wisdom tooth begins pushing at other teeth due to lack of space, it can cause other uncomfortable problems. You might feel jaw pain, headaches, toothaches, sinus troubles, earaches, or mouth soreness. If you notice any of these signs, including a sore throat, it’s really important to see a dentist right away. Ignoring these symptoms when you have an infected tooth or gum can make things worse and spread the infection.

So, Can Wisdom Teeth Cause Ear Pain?

Wisdom Teeth Cause Ear Pain

The answer to “Can wisdom teeth cause ear pain?” is yes; wisdom teeth can lead to discomfort in your ear. 

When wisdom teeth grow, it can cause ear pain for some people because the jaw is close to the ear. As these teeth come in, they might push on your gums or make them swollen. This swelling and pressure can lead to discomfort that travels to your ear, especially if your upper wisdom teeth are causing the trouble. If your ear hurts, setting up an appointment to let a dentist check out your wisdom teeth is a good idea.

Now, not everyone experiences pain from their wisdom teeth, whether they’re in or stuck. But if you have symptoms like tooth or jaw pain, a sore throat, ear pain, or anything unusual, contact your dentist for a consultation.

Treatment Options for Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Brooklyn Blvd. Dental offers treatment options for impacted wisdom teeth if they require removal. We provide wisdom teeth removals in our on-site treatment rooms. In some cases, wisdom teeth removal may not be required.

If needed, we also offer additional sedation options, such as IV sedation or nitrous oxide (happy gas), to help you relax while removing your wisdom tooth. Impacted wisdom teeth may grow at an angle or cause crowding of other teeth in the mouth.

Removing problematic wisdom teeth can help improve any uncomfortable symptoms caused by the tooth being impacted and can reduce future oral health concerns around the impacted tooth, such as:

After your initial assessment, our experienced dental team at Brooklyn Blvd Dental will walk you through each step in the process. We’re here to answer any questions or concerns about wisdom tooth removal.

When Should I Visit a Dentist?

Visit a Dentist

Some folks might not even realize they have wisdom teeth showing up in their mouths. But certain signs start popping up for many others, telling them it’s time to see a dentist. Here are some signals that it’s a good idea to visit the dentist:

If you’re not sure whether your symptoms are from your wisdom teeth, it’s a smart move to visit your dentist. They can check out your wisdom teeth and see what’s happening with your oral health.


Many people can have their wisdom teeth removed without any issues. Still, extraction might be necessary for those experiencing symptoms of impacted wisdom teeth to improve your comfort and restore your smile!

If you’re dealing with any of the symptoms mentioned above, don’t hesitate to contact our team at Brooklyn Blvd Dental. You can schedule an appointment with us by calling (763) 533-8669 or simply request an appointment online.


Why do experts now say not to remove your wisdom teeth?

Even though taking out wisdom teeth through surgery is usually safe, some risks are still involved, like bleeding, infection, and the chance of accidentally harming nearby structures. It’s important to remember that not everyone needs their wisdom teeth removed, as many people can go through life without any problems from them.

How long does wisdom tooth pain last if not removed?

When wisdom teeth are starting to come in, you might notice some common signs like:

This pain from the emerging wisdom teeth can last for about a week, up to a year, or even longer as the teeth fully show up.

Is the age of 30 too old to have wisdom teeth removed?

Once you’re over 30 years old, removing your wisdom teeth can become more complicated and riskier. It means it might be harder to recover, you might need more time off work, and the surgery can be trickier for the dentist.