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Most people cringe at having their teeth drilled at the dentist’s office, but there are many important reasons why you shouldn’t avoid getting a tooth filling. If your tooth is decayed or damaged, fillings can be the perfect solution to protect the healthy area of the tooth to help you maintain long-term dental health.

Read on to learn everything you need to know when considering dental fillings.

What Is a Dental Filling?

Dental fillings are a common procedure many people undergo to repair teeth with cavities. There are various dental fillings, and your dentist will decide which one is best for you. Dental fillings can also fix teeth that have been worn down due to misuse or abuse.

What are Dental Fillings Made of?

Dental fillings are of different materials, including gold, silver amalgam (which contains mercury), composite resin, and ceramic. A dentist will choose the material for your filling based on the tooth’s location, size and depth of the cavity, and your personal preferences.

What is the Process of Getting a Dental Filling?

The first step in getting a dental filling is to have your dentist evaluate your tooth. They will then clean out the cavity and remove any decay.

Next, your dentist will place the filling material in the cavity and shape it to fit your tooth, hardening the filling using a special light once it is in place.

Finally, they will polish the filling to ensure a smooth surface.

What are the Benefits of Dental Fillings?

Dental fillings can help restore your tooth to its original shape and function and prevent further decay by sealing off the tooth from bacteria. They can also help prevent sensitivity in your teeth by protecting the nerve endings.

When Should You Consider Getting a Tooth Filling?

The only person who can tell you if you need a filling is a professional dentist. They will need to examine your tooth closely, take X-rays and determine what work needs to be done to restore it. In some cases, the damage may be too great, and a root canal or even tooth extraction may be necessary.

When Should You Consider Getting a Tooth Filling?

If you think you may have a cavity, the best thing to do is schedule an appointment with your dentist. They’ll be able to take a closer look and let you know what needs to be done. In the meantime, here are five signs that you might have a cavity:

What Will Happen If You Ignore the Need for a Tooth Filling?

If you’re like most people, you probably only go to the dentist when there’s something wrong. You might not have realized that regular check-ups are just as important as brushing and flossing your teeth!

Cavities are one of the most common dental problems, and if left untreated, they can lead to serious health issues. If you choose not to go ahead with a filling or if you fail to visit your dentist regularly (for whatever reasons), the effect on your teeth can be very damaging:

These are why getting a tooth filling is so important as soon as possible. Cavities are no fun and can put a damper on your daily life. You must see your dentist immediately if you’re experiencing pain or discomfort.

Ignoring the problem will only worsen it, and you could end up dealing with serious health issues later. So don’t wait – get those cavities filled ASAP!

Are You Considering Tooth Fillings in Brooklyn Park & Brooklyn Center, MN? Contact Brooklyn Blvd Dental Today!

You must see an experienced dentist immediately if you’re experiencing any symptoms of cavities. They’ll be able to determine whether or not you need a tooth filling and take the necessary steps to restore your tooth.

We at Brooklyn Blvd Dental help with all of your dental needs and invite you to learn more about the dental treatments offered. So, don’t let a cavity ruin your smile – make an appointment with us today!